Monday, November 2, 2009

Consortium of MnPALS Libraries User Group Meeting - October 28, 2009

The Fall User Group meeting was jam-packed with business meetings for each user group as well as a variety of breakout sessions. As one of the Convener's involved in the planning process for this day, I'm really interested to hear the feedback as this was a bit of a different schedule than usual.
Here's what I attended:
9:00-9:50 - Breakout - General Cataloging Q& learned:
  • Vendor Neutral for Electronic Books
  • check our Local Holdings on OCLC - need to keep it updated
  • Heard about RDA on the way - MII will likely lead trainings when the time comes

10:00-10:50 - Breakout - MnPALS Plus Version 2.0

  • Since we just moved to this interface, I wanted to hear what others were experiencing and see what was on the horizon for improvements. Continue to watch this on the Forum.

11:00-11:50 - Breakout - ILL Best Practices Survey

  • Always good to hear from MII what things we can do to make their lives easier and more efficient for patrons. One thing they mentioned was to always be sure to include the Due Date on the paperwork that is inserted into the item.
  • Ran out of time on this one, but they will be posting the Housekeeping items for Lending and Borrowing, so will want to review that when it is posted...they weren't sure if it would be on a wiki, the website, etc.

12:00-1:20 - Lunch/General Session

1:30 - 2:20 - Systems Subsystem Meeting

  • Not much to report from this business meeting. One highlight from this group is how much the Reports Task Force did this year to get some new reports in place. Kudos to that group!
  • Planning for a Spring Workday...

2:30 - 3:20 - Circulation Subsystem Meeting

  • I am the convener for this group, so I led this meeting.
  • We are going to use the forum to determine interest/participation in a Spring Workday before scheduling one.
  • Have work to do yet on the Consortium Circulation Policy -- starting with a survey.

3:30 - 4:20 - ILL Subsystem Meeting

  • Following Circ lead and posting on the Forum to gauge interest in having a Spring Workday.

Homeward bound :)

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