Saturday, April 12, 2008

Thing 23 - Final Thoughts

Although I've completed the 23 Things, I certainly can't say this is the end. I do plan to continue to use my blog and explore other tools that I haven't been using.

I do have some of these already built into my regular work (wiki, RSS, ELM), but I'd like to do more Podcast exploring and get more familiar with the social networking sites. I am also more intrigued by Second Life than before...might take me a while to figure that one out, but I'm glad I'm "in" so I can do that!

I don't have any words of advice for the creators/moderators -- I really enjoyed the whole experience. Thank you for providing the opportunity!!

My one sentence to describe the experience? An unbelievably productive, hands-on learning experience!

Thanks again ~ Pam

1 comment:

23 Things said...

Congratulations on finishing all 23 things. Sounds like you learned a lot and it is great to hear you will be using the tools.

More on a stick will arrive in fall or winter--hope you participate!